Interview with Jason Kyle, author of Honor Lost | Writers Republic LLC

2023-02-19 2

Long ago, the Untveski Empire conquered the eastern half of Alaris and have ruled their subjects with an iron fist ever since. Within this subjugated land is Owen, a young, Alarian mage and a member of the Headhunters Mercenary Company. Being a mercenary allows for more freedom and better pay than most Alarians are given under Untveski rule, but it also requires them to fight alongside the Untveski legions whenever they require it. This situation was at least tolerable so long as the mercenaries were only asked to help defend the borders from marauders and the like, but then one day they are ordered to assist in ruthlessly crushing the rebellion of an Alarian town. This traumatic event motivates the mercenaries to consider a third option outside the dichotomy of living as slaves, or assisting the oppressors, and the solution may just reside with the fiercely independent wood elves of the western forest region, a long-standing enemy of the Untveski.

A lifelong geek and history buff, Jason Kyle also loves tabletop gaming, fantasy fiction, and action movies. He also has spent over twenty years in the U.S. Army, which includes three tours to Iraq between 2003 – 2011. These interests and experiences inspired Jason to try his hand at writing.

Jason currently lives in Georgia with his young son and their cat, Shadow.

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